Quotation Explorer - 'Derek Landy'

The only thing we know for certain is that Darquesse is coming, and she's coming to kill us all. - Derek Landy
The man had a smooth voice, like velvet. I’m Detective Inspector Me. Unusual name, I know. My family were incredibly narcissistic. I’m lucky I escaped with any degree of humility at all, to be honest, but then I’ve always managed to exceed expectations. - Derek Landy
Kindness suits you.""Really? I think I'm quite allergic to it. - Derek Landy
So now you're on the run,' Warrick said wistfully. 'Travelling the Dark Highway, a lone wolf. With your friend, who is another wolf. Two lone wolves. Two wolves, really. Not really alone. Two wolves in a car. Travelling. One of them naked and bloody. The other with her ass hanging out. - Derek Landy
Being a detective isn't all about torture and murder and monsters. Sometimes it gets truly unpleasant...The fate of the world may depend on whether or not you can bring yourself to visit your relatives. - Derek Landy
What is a life?" Scapegrace continued. "Is life merely living? Is it having a heartbeat? Or is life the effect you have on others? Is it the effect you have on the world around you? If so, what have I done with mine? How have I wasted it? - Derek Landy
Stephanie had no problem doing what shewas told, just so long as she was given a good reason why sheshould. - Derek Landy
When I meet people, I no longer say "Hi, I'm , pleased to meet you." Now I say "Hi, I'm number one bestselling author . Worship me. - Derek Landy
If anyone stops us, as long as we mumble something pretentious about the glory of death, we should be fine. - Derek Landy
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